Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our Easter Baby is 8 years Old!!!!!

Wow! 8 years ago it was Easter morning and Mason joined our family. I remember them showing him to me then quickly taking him from the room. He had swallowed some amniotic fluid and was having trouble breathing. Once I got to the recovery room they brought me these poloroid pictures and that is all I had of my baby for the next 12 hours until I was able to get into a wheelchair and go see him. I was overwhelmed with all of the tubes and monitors but so glad to finally see my baby. He spent the next 3 days in the N.I.C.U.

But 8 years later look what I get to hold now!

We love this boy! Definatly never a dull moment with Mason! We are so proud of you Mason.

Happy Birthday Mason!!!


Shannon said...

I loved "sneaking" back to the NICU with Jim and getting my first look at that boy!! What a special memory!! Happy Birthday to the coolest 8 year old ever!

Reta said...

Can't believe he is 8 already. Happy Birthday Mason. We love you.