Monday, January 30, 2012

Week Three

-This week we made the decision that we need to down size and we put our house up for sale. We all feel really good about this and feel it will be a good change for our family.-Easton loves to be like his big brothers and have me pack him a lunch in his“Transformers Lunch Pack”, he puts on his back pack and is ready to go! -Mason got hit with the flu bug this week and missed a day of school. -Parent teacher conferences for Mason and Carson. They both got pretty good reports and are finally getting help where needed. -I found Easton in the basement bathroom getting drinks for all of his imaginary friends. - My favorite purchase when we had Easton was this diaper caddy. It finally fell apart and was thrown away. -We went up to Morgan with the Gardners and met our Ragnar friend Cami and her husband Dave for dinner.

1 comment:

Shella's Ramblings said...

Hey I remember that number! Good luck on the house selling!